Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy

Welcome to Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy (IBCT). Here, you’ll find essential information about IBCT, along with curated links to resources tailored for couples, therapists, and researchers. Easily connect with therapists trained in IBCT through provided contact information, and stay informed about both upcoming and past IBCT presentations.

Explore the latest insights with our therapist guide, “Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy: A Therapist’s Guide to Creating Acceptance and Change.” This comprehensive book meticulously outlines the theoretical and empirical foundations of IBCT, offering a standard treatment protocol and numerous illustrative examples from couples undergoing the transformative journey.

For couples seeking additional support, our recent self-help book, “Reconcilable Differences,” is designed for reading during therapy sessions, providing valuable insights. Discover our online program for individuals and couples at www.OurRelationship.com.

Delve into the research on IBCT by visiting the Resources page on our website. Thank you for joining us as we strive to enhance relationships through the principles of Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy.